MMI training progress thread

Share your experiences and thoughts when trying to improve accuracy in effecting a Random Number Generator (RNG) using METrainer or other programs.

I’ve been practising with METrainer over the past months, in this thread I would like to start presenting my progress with METrainer and am very interested in seeing other people’s progress.

Maybe we can share some tips with each other.

Wednesday 7-10-2020 - Saturday 10-10-2020 METrainer V1.0:

Type Settings Mode Total Rounds Hit Rate ME Level P(HR) Win HR P(WinHR)
PCQNG No settings Affect 107 0.5701 5.1 0.087 -
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 30 0.7667 7.4 0.00261 0.7073 0.00575
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 127 0.6220 9.4 0.00376 0.6098 0.10551
MED300K Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 150 0.56 3.6 0.08245 0.5366 0.37761
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 23 0.7826 6.2 0.00531 0.6585 0.02979
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 50 0.72 9.6 0.0013 0.7317 0.00216
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 237 0.5907 8.3 (highest 12.2) 0.00312 0.6585 0.02979
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 1000 0.4690 1.0 0.97685 0.3902 0.94136
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect Low 114 0.3684 1.0 0.99825 0.4634 0.73365
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 136 0.5882 8.9 (total: 12.2) 0.02409 0.7317 0.00216
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 100 0.51 1.1 0.46021 0.4634 0.73365
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 255 0.6 10.2 0.00084 0.5854 0.17444
MED300K No Settings Affect 100 0.6 5.4 (total 10.4) 0.02844 0.6098 0.10551
MED300K Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 500 0.492 1.0 (highest 12.2) 0.65632 0.3902 0.94136
MED300K Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 82 0.6220 5.8 (highest 10.4) 0.01762 0.5122 0.5
MED300K Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 200 0.5 1.0 0.52817 0.4634 0.73365
MED300K Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 113 0.5487 2.5 0.17345 0.4390 0.82556
MED300K Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 70 0.5571 2.3 0.20148 0.4634 0.73365
MED300K Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 116 0.5571 2.7 0.15354 0.5122 0.5
MED300K Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Predict 112 0.6250 7.6 (total 9.7) 0.0052 0.6585 0.02979
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Predict 70 0.6 4.1 0.005980 0.5610 0.26635
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Predict 136 0.5809 4.8 0.03568 0.4878 0.62239
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Predict 190 0.5579 4.0 (highest 7.4) 0.06371 0.5122 0.5
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Predict 60 0.55 1.9 0.25948 0.4878 0.62239
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Predict 85 0.6 4.6 0.04103 0.5366 0.37761
PCQNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 65 0.6 3.9 (highest 8.5) 0.06802 0.5366 0.37761
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 161 0.5342 2.2 0.21536 0.4146 0.89449
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 80 0.6125 5.1 (highest 6.5) 0.02833 0.6341 0.05864
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 125 0.5760 4.2 (highest 10.4) 0.05352 0.6341 0.05864
PRNG Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds Affect 435 0.5218 2.4 (highest 10.4) 0.19407 0.3415 0.98623
MED300K No Settings Affect 221 0.5339 2.5 0.17317 0.4878 0.62239
MED300K Hide Miss Ball & mute miss sounds Affect 146 0.5479 2.8 0.14097 0.4146 0.89449
MED300K Hide Miss Ball & mute miss sounds Affect 100 0.61 5.8 (highest 8.4) 0.01760 0.5366 0.37761

Extra notes:

  • My personal experience is that even though I’ve practiced affecting the RNG since March/April 2020, I don’t have an idea of what I’m actually doing other than just an idea of pushing pulling when affecting, clicking whenever needed for predict
  • I only note down the end results of ones that I don’t forget and that are mostly a success, of course there’s a also some failures where I can’t get the ball to spin forward. So results are a bit biased towards good runs
  • The settings Hide Miss ball & mute miss sounds feel like crutches and I’m hesitant on leaving them on. I’m almost unable to get an effect size to show up when these settings are in their normal state which is very frustrating.
  • MED300K seems to be the hardest of the three locally. Jamal has pointed out that this might be because of latency, since I was playing for a couple of months on his computer remotely on another continent and I’m used to playing with the MED300k with this latency
  • Somethimes I get really drowsy after a while and need to sleep for a minute or almost fall asleep
  • Getting 8+ hits in a row is my new drug
  • Its hard to believe but I have expierenced the effects in the daily life like the program said. I’ve gained intiution
  • My goal is to become a good operator with a consistent hit rate of 90% to 100% on any RNG

Hi David, thanks for compiling and sharing your results.
The various options for feedback are intended to give the user more control of his or her personal experience to achieve the best results. There are no right or wrong or preferred settings for training/testing purposes.

You may ask Jamal to clear up the identity of the model number MED300K since that is not a type I sent him. I recently provided a complete list of Model numbers and their descriptions on this forum since I heard there was understandably some confusion.

Last year i made an experiment doing everyday training on psi-trainer using PCQNG as an entropy source. Sum of training data for month showed increase in deviation change rate in the second half of the training.

Peaks are calculated as a difference between accumulated deviation in current and previous batch of trials.