What are some interesting applications of future MMI?

To get ideas flowing, what are some applications of future MMI that you’d like to see? For me, home automation seems like a great area. I imagine sitting at home, wanting to turn the volume up or down and it just happens. Additionally regulating the lighting and temp conditions in my home without any verbal or physical action.

The other area which I think MMI could be huge in is gamming.

I always thought MMI would make a nice enhancement to many games, where one could actually “use the Force” to get a higher score. A specific example is when a game uses a random number generator to decide hit points, damage or other outcomes. Instead of just waiting for the game to set these with a pseudorandom generator, use mental intention to get a better result. Also, there are games that could use MMI directly to control game play. A simple example is a horse race where one player could enhance their horse’s speed versus a pseudorandom generator controlling the other horse’s speed. Or, the race could be head to head versus a number of other players.

Certainly controlling electronic or mechanical devices is also an area of potential applications. I have developed a number of processing methods for “tuning” MMI output to specific frequencies, which I will describe in more detail later. Such a tuned system could also be used for communication - perhaps we could pick up a call from ET. Making a system that could register words is substantially more complex, but possible.

MMI generators can be used to detect sounds, such as EVP (electronic voice phenomena). The binary output signal can be electronically filtered to an auditory bandwidth (about 3 KHz) using analog filters, or more easily using digital low pass filtering. The MMI generator output would be bias amplified to no lower than 6 KHz (the Nyquist frequency would be 3 KHz), but probably 12 KHz to make filtering easier. The filtered output would be formatted to be compatible with computer sound technology, which would not be too difficult. Even though the string of 1s and 0s seems different than a continuous analog signal, I know that the same frequency spectrum exists in the binary signal, though there are higher harmonics that are removed by lowpass filtering. One might also use this type of setup to test if one could get a tone to come through by concentrating on making it happen - a first step to communicating or controlling devices.

These are just a few ideas to stimulate brainstorming. Specific details may be provided if someone is actually working on a project to achieve these or other real-world applications.

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Indeed, I think the most important use of MMI is for obtaining information that is noninferrable (not computable, even by quantum computer) or available by any other means, such as databases, news or any other source, even with unlimited resources.

I assume you have read my articles and patents concerning intelligence gathering using MMI (available on CoreInvention.com). Bayesian analysis is a powerful mathematical tool for combining increments of partially accurate information from an individual or multiple trained users to assemble an accurate response to any question. The intelligence gathering article is pretty old and I have advanced MMI technology and methematical methods a lot since then.

I believe the current level of MMI hardware is sufficient to achieve a broad range of question answering systems. One is what I call “True Choice,” a way to break out of our predetermined limits and actually achieve a degree of free choice. This is only possible with the use of a nondeterministic generator, and preferably one that is responsive to our conscious and subconscious inclinations to make it relevant to our lives - a mixture of free choice and the context of personal belief systems.

Kinesiology (not the simple study of body movements) is a method supposed to obtain information from our subconscious by asking questions and observing subtle changes in muscle strength. However, it is too subjective and requires a trained kinesiologist to interpret results. Instead, an MMI device could be designed to respond to specific questions about ones personal health. Repeated questioning and obtaining of results could (hopefully) build up relatively accurate answers to one’s health questions. Anyone who has chronic health issues can identify with the frustration of never being able to get help from medical professionals. Such ideas are controversial because in the Western world, doctors are expected to be infallible and all-knowing. (Presented only to stimulate ideas and interactions - such a system would have to be tested extensively to confirm it really works.)


My focus here is MMI and potential applications, so I couched the suggestion in that context. There are physiological measurements that could be applied to gaining information that is unconscious to the subject. Complex EDR (electro-dermal response, formerly GSR) - or even simple EDR - would be (and is) a fundamental component of a lie (or truth) detector. The Biox pulse oximeter, which I invented in 1975, does not by itself present much useful information in that regard. However, photoplyethismography (changes in light transmission due to blood thickness changes from heart pulsations), a fundamental component of pulse oximetry, can provide information about sympathetic/parasympathetic responses, which may reveal subconscious responses.

Using some of these measurements combined with MMI could indeed increase potential accuracy. I have not experimented with such measurements in the context of a type of electronic “kinesiology.”

A trained group of truth finders using MMI technology could provide a nearly unbeatable type of lie/truth detection. An individual can be trained to beat traditional lie detectors, but add MMI and the game would change.

Game will change. However, probably, individual can be trained to make noise to MMI.
So, as always, there will be battle of shield and sword.

Also, truth detection isn’t very good application. Why would you develop one more tool to invade privacy? Who will get that tool? Does it looks like people, who will get it care about your interests?