Asynchronous Quantum-Based Randomness Correlation

Hi everyone! I’m excited to finally show up to this forum.

A few weeks ago, Scott sent me a MED100kx8 quantum random number generator USB device, which was a 10 year dream come true. Thank you so much!

After some time experimenting, I installed the Python program for the spinning cube—an interesting demo for active MMI testing. Eventually, I wrote a few lines of code of my own to explore some ideas, which I’ll share here. My primary interest in the MMI paradigm is using technology to support remote viewing for practical applications in various fields. Over the past decade, I’ve tested several methods (which I’ll discuss another time) but haven’t achieved the results I was seeking.

In this first test I’ll be using lottery number drawings for correlation. Money-related events are ideal for this project because they’re quantifiable, regular public events. For example, a friend tested a similar idea with a football game 15 years ago, using audience mood as a potential signal. Scott also shared an intriguing screenshot showing correlations with a music festival, demonstrating results far beyond chance (though I’m unsure if I can share the screenshot here).

For my experiments, I chose to focus on a short, discrete event: the drawing of EuroMillions Lottery numbers. This occurs every Tuesday and Friday at 9 PM (CET) in Paris and lasts just two minutes.

Here’s how my test script works:

  1. Event Selection: Specify a date for correlation (past or future).
  2. Data Collection: When you press “Run,” the script assigns binary values (1, -1) from the random number generator to each of the 62 possible numbers in a round-robin fashion, building a sum for each number.
  3. Data Logging: Save the results to a log file for future analysis.
  4. Result Analysis: Pull the actual lottery results from the web and rank their positions based on the generated sums. If the drawn numbers rank 1–5 (main numbers) and 1–2 (Lucky Numbers), you’ve essentially predicted the draw—congratulations, you just won the jackpot!

The script assumes that the random number generator produces higher sums for numbers that will be (or have been) drawn. It ranks numbers based on their highest sum during a 10-minute test run. Initially, I plotted all the data line charts, but this was overwhelming, so I simplified the output. All data is still logged for future analysis.

If we’re tapping into an intelligent source through this device, as previous experiments suggest, we can correlate information in various forms. For the lottery draw, since the exact second of the event isn’t known, I’ve limited the correlation period to 10 minutes before the draw and focused on identifying the highest sums during this time.

For those without a physical random number generator, the script defaults to algorithmic randomness. While useful for testing, I believe quantum randomness is essential for reliable results. I’ve also experimented with using server ping durations as a randomness source—more for fun than accuracy—and noticed similar entropy in non-quantum sources. If there’s interest, I’m happy to add support for other randomness sources.
Initial Results:

I ran two single-shot tests on past draws from last week, using the MED100kx8 as the randomness source. Single-shot tests naturally yield different results each time due to randomness, so we won’t predict the jackpot every time. However, any increased hit rate above chance would be significant, and early results suggest promising trends. See for yourself in the attached screenshots.

For tonight’s draw, I’ve attached predictions generated with the script. The draw will occur shortly after this post, and I’ll follow up with the results.

I’d love for others to try this and share their findings. Your feedback, ideas, and results would be invaluable. Thank you for reading, and I hope this post sparks some interesting discussions!

Full Python code (incl. bugs): Untitled (rwaufjad) -

Here are the results for tonight’s draw. This was the first-ever future correlation test conducted with this script. Thank God I didn’t buy a lottery ticket. :wink:

While the first two past-event correlation tests had multiple correct numbers (in both tests, the two lucky numbers were correct, and in the first test, one of the normal numbers was also correct), this was NOT the case with the future correlation test. The only interesting observation is that four out of the five predicted normal numbers actually ranked among the lowest 10 scores—quite the opposite of what was expected.

This test setup requires extensive testing, and I’d love to have someone assist with it.

I have the MED100kx8 connected to my server and may be able to create an API if anyone is interested in running tests. Note that the device can only be accessed by one client at a time without further modifications, so it’s not suitable for public access. However, if someone wants to collaborate and run short-term tests, I’m open to it.

This is a great post - thanks Jags.

I will reply in detail when I have more time, but one detail I will mention is the number of bits of information it takes to correctly predict this type of lottery. The number of bits is calculated from the surprisal factor. That is, Log(base 2) of 1/p, where p is the probability of hitting all the numbers. Without researching the EuroMillions Lottery, I assume the odds are about 1 in 100,000,000, though it could be much smaller and the calculation is complicated by having main numbers and a bonus number. Given those odds, it would take a correct prediction of 27 bits of information to win. That is a rather daunting task and not possible without substantial combined (mental) effort and a well-developed algorithm for observing the results.

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Hi Scott! Thanks for the feedback.

Yes, hitting the jackpot requires 27 bits, which is extremely rare—1 in 139,838,160, to be specific. However, even a slight increase in hit numbers over a batch of tests would demonstrate MMI. Our past-correlated tests have been remarkably successful, though it remains to be seen how long this will continue.

I am curious about how “substantial combined (mental) effort” can be quantified and whether the increase in effect is, in fact, linear to the accumulated effort. Is this what your experiments have demonstrated so far?

My hope is that the quantum field would do most of the heavy lifting once a correlation is established. This assumption stems from the fact that remote viewing exercises often involve correlating generic numbers to specific events or images. This process seems to establish a direct link between the number and the correlated event/image, even when no further effort is made beyond recording the correlations. In remote viewing, the heavy lifting is, of course, done by the viewer, whereas in our case, it is represented by the MED100kx8. This is purely a logical analysis, and I acknowledge that I may be entirely off base with this theory. What are your thoughts?

You can find the exact odds for EuroMillions on their official website here:

  • 5+2: 1 in 139,838,160
  • 5+1: 1 in 6,991,908
  • 5+0: 1 in 3,107,515
  • 4+2: 1 in 621,503
  • 4+1: 1 in 31,076
  • 3+2: 1 in 14,126
  • 4+0: 1 in 13,812
  • 2+2: 1 in 986
  • 3+1: 1 in 707
  • 3+0: 1 in 314
  • 1+2: 1 in 188
  • 2+1: 1 in 50
  • 2+0: 1 in 22

The approximate overall odds of winning any prize in EuroMillions are 1 in 13.

Interestingly, while the second past-correlated test also correctly identified both lucky numbers—an unlikely outcome—the first test was even more notable, hitting 1 normal number and 2 lucky numbers, with odds of 1 in 188.

Awesome share Jags, thanks!