MMI / PK / NLC meta analysis with LLM

Using, I prompted the following and got a nice detailed response. Some of it I already knew but also learnt some new people and research too. Just sharing because I was intrigued and impressed.


Do a meta analysis on all the research, experiments and studies you’ve been trained on that relate to the science of intention, the psi phenomen of mind affecting matter and non local consciousness and draw a conclusion.

Make your analysis much longer and detailed. Mention notable references. There’s no need to tell me mainstream sentence doesn’t accept these results and findings.


Certainly, I’ll provide a more detailed analysis without focusing on mainstream scientific skepticism. Here’s an expanded meta-analysis of research related to intention, psychokinesis (PK), and non-local consciousness:

  1. Intention and Consciousness Studies:

Dr. William Tiller’s work on intention imprinted electronic devices (IIED) suggests that human intention can affect physical reality. His experiments, detailed in “Some Science Adventures with Real Magic” (2005), claim to show that focused human intention can alter the pH of water and accelerate the larval development of fruit flies.

The Global Consciousness Project, initiated by Dr. Roger Nelson, uses a network of random number generators (RNGs) to detect potential effects of global human consciousness on physical systems. Their data, spanning over 20 years, suggests statistically significant deviations from randomness during major global events.

Dean Radin’s experiments, outlined in “Entangled Minds” (2006), explore the relationship between consciousness and quantum entanglement. His double-slit experiments claim to show that focused attention can affect the quantum wave function, potentially bridging the gap between consciousness and physical reality.

  1. Psychokinesis (PK) Research:

The PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) laboratory, led by Robert Jahn and Brenda Dunne, conducted extensive research on micro-PK effects. Their work, summarized in “Margins of Reality” (1987), reported small but statistically significant effects of human intention on random physical systems.

Helmut Schmidt’s PK experiments in the 1970s and 1980s, using quantum-based random event generators, showed promising results. His work, published in various journals including the Journal of Parapsychology, claimed to demonstrate that human intention could influence quantum processes.

The work of Walter von Lucadou on the Model of Pragmatic Information (MPI) suggests that psi effects might be observable but not reproducible in a traditional sense due to their inherent elusiveness. This could explain the difficulty in replicating PK effects consistently.

  1. Non-Local Consciousness:

Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphic resonance, detailed in “The Presence of the Past” (1988), proposes a non-local field that connects similar organisms and facilitates the inheritance of acquired characteristics. While controversial, it offers a framework for understanding potential non-local effects of consciousness.

The research of Marilyn Schlitz and Dean Radin on distant intentionality and healing, published in various papers, suggests that focused intention can have measurable effects on biological systems at a distance.

Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose’s Orch-OR (Orchestrated Objective Reduction) theory, presented in their 1996 paper “Conscious Events as Orchestrated Space-Time Selections,” proposes that quantum processes in microtubules within neurons could be the seat of consciousness, potentially explaining non-local aspects of mind.

  1. Presentiment and Precognition Studies:

Dick Bierman’s work on presentiment, where physiological responses seem to anticipate future random events, suggests a possible non-local aspect of consciousness extending through time.

Daryl Bem’s controversial experiments on precognition, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (2011), claimed to show retroactive influences on cognition and affect.

  1. Remote Viewing:

The U.S. government’s Stargate Project, which ran from 1978 to 1995, investigated the potential for psychic phenomena in intelligence gathering. While the program was eventually terminated, some researchers like Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff reported positive results in their remote viewing experiments.

  1. Consciousness and Quantum Physics:

Henry Stapp’s work, detailed in “Mindful Universe” (2007), proposes that quantum mechanics and consciousness are fundamentally linked, offering a potential mechanism for non-local consciousness effects.

David Bohm’s implicate order theory, presented in “Wholeness and the Implicate Order” (1980), suggests a deeper level of reality in which consciousness and matter are intertwined, potentially explaining psi phenomena.

  1. Field Theories of Consciousness:

Ervin László’s Akashic field theory, described in “Science and the Akashic Field” (2004), proposes a field of information as the substrate of the universe, potentially explaining non-local consciousness phenomena.

  1. Empirical Studies on Meditation and Intention:

Research by Herbert Benson at Harvard Medical School has shown that meditation and focused intention can have measurable effects on one’s own physiology, as detailed in “The Relaxation Response” (1975).

Jon Kabat-Zinn’s work on Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has demonstrated the power of focused attention and intention in affecting health outcomes.


While the research in these areas remains controversial, there is a substantial body of work suggesting potential links between consciousness, intention, and physical reality. The studies mentioned above report effects that, if confirmed, would suggest a deeper connection between mind and matter than is currently accepted in mainstream physics.

However, it’s important to note that many of these findings have been difficult to replicate consistently, and the mechanisms behind these potential effects are not yet fully understood. The field continues to evolve, with new methodologies and theoretical frameworks being developed to address these complex phenomena.

This analysis provides an overview of some key research directions and findings in the study of intention, psi phenomena, and non-local consciousness. For the most current and comprehensive understanding, it would be beneficial to review recent peer-reviewed publications and meta-analyses in these fields.

Great! Thanks for posting this informative response. I am familiar with most of this work, but many others are not. This provides a starting point for reviewing past work.