Calidetics and winning at slot machines

Calidetics is a system and practice of increasing ones positive luck. An important part of that for me has been practicing using Mind-Enabled tech – especially the ME Trainer or a variation. This has given me the skill and confidence to be able to use variations of MMI to alter probabilities of real-world events in a beneficial way.

When it comes to slot machines, the only way to influence the odds is to press the spin button at the right time so a win will show up. For those who don’t know, slot machines determine the outcome by using a pseudorandom generator running continuously in the background. When a spin is triggered, the latest output of the generator is used with a lookup table to determine what will happen. On average, the house takes about 10% of what the player bets. That’s called the “vig” or house advantage. It doesn’t mean a player will win 9 out of 10 spins – it’s much less than that. But, the large wins are averaged over time and that makes up for the lower percentage of spins that pay anything.

My partner and I like to spend time at a local casino as an outing and to practice shifting the odds with our minds, that is, Calidetics. We just started to visit again because the casino was closed until July 2nd. I always keep very careful records to check our progress. For nearly two years we are ahead despite spinning many thousands of times. Last week I was ahead by $100 and today it was $500, each after playing continuously for about one and a half hours.

I started with $200 each time and the rule is not to go below the starting amount. Statistically I should have gone broke each time after hundreds of spins and considering an average vig of 10%. In fact, I should have been down to may last bet after about 100 spins if I were winning only the average amount. (This depends on the size of the bet and exactly how the wins/losses are calculated) Of course, there is a significant amount of variations or noise in these measurements. It can thousands of spins to to get accurate results.

I certainly am not recommending going to a casino and feeding cash into the slot machines. This a report on an objective test of Calidetics including the use of an MMI trainer to favorably change the odds. It’s a little different than the standard MMI application since the odds have to do with a pseudorandom generator. I have been able to get very high scores with ME Trainer using the pseudorandom source, but it takes more practice than the usual true random or MMI generator, and perhaps better focus and concentration.

The type of visualization is also a little different since the object is to produce a hit or in this case, a win. Sometimes the goal and associated visualization is to produce a large win, or just a feeling of being very lucky at winning. Over the years we have tried many variations of mental effort to win more often.

Would you mind sharing the methods you tried and roughly their effectiveness for your case? As you previously mentioned, providing users with a trainer program that accustoms them with the output by providing simultaneous (within 200ms) feedback allows to train MMI “muscle”. Finding and sharing the methods of mental effort leading to best results for most will be of course beneficial for MMI acknowledgement, ability to track your own progress is always a motivation.
Would you mind also sharing your observations on influence of mental states or mood on the results?

Let me first mention some things that detract from or reduce the wins, because that is easier. These issues apply to most types of MMI performance and especially when practicing Calidetics.

Any emotional or physical state that might reduce mental clarity or focus is likely to be an impediment or even totally block efforts to increase positive luck. These include having what are usually called negative emotions, such as anger or fear or just feeling upset. Performance anxiety is a fear of losing in this context. Fear tends to be a suggestion or belief in the possibility of the very thing that is feared, so that thing becomes more likely to occur. Physical states, such as being too tired, feeling unwell, experiencing pain or even being hungry can be a distraction.

I would say focus, or single-mindedness, is the single most important factor in achieving good results. Single-mindedness is exactly what it sound like – having one and only one intention in mind. The mental intention or visualization should be held just prior to and up to initiating the trial (spin). Sometimes it even helps to hold the intention until the play is completed, which can take 2-3 seconds. Remembering, even though the result is theoretically determined when the spin button is pressed, it is not completely determined until the feedback (result of the play) is observed by the player. A win/loss are still partly in a superposition until one or the other is observed. The result of Calidetics – as an advanced form of MMI – is to increase the probability of observing the win state.

Having a positive feeling or expectation about winning or being lucky is another important factor. People who have practiced mediation for some time may find this easier, because they may be accustomed to having a feeling or producing a visualization by choice. I use the word, visualization, but that is not limited to a visual experience. In the slot machine context, I may visualize the experience of what happens when the machine pays off, including sights and sounds. This is often combined with having the feeling I would feel when that happens. A full visualization includes every aspect of the event actually occurring.

When I have on ongoing feeling I’m on a winning streak, I continue to win. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy, and it works. This is a particularly fortunate state, but it doesn’t happen all the time or every time. It just comes up, but usually in the context of practicing the mental disciplines I know of.

It’s important to realize success with MMI and Calidetics is not a result of trying to force it to happen with the outer or lesser mind. Some people may call this the ego. Tensing up and scrunching the forehead in great effort usually only results in a headache. MMI effects come from a deeper part of mind that may take no energy at all in the way the outer mind does. We think of or identify with the outer mind as what is having the thoughts we think, but it has little power in and by itself. It may form or choose the desired intentions and maintain focus, but its actual function is more passive or receptive. To be clear, these descriptions are of a subtle nature and not generally well understood.

There are other factors in winning on slot machines, such as bet control and choosing or moving to a “good” machine, but these are more related to gambling in general, which I am not recommending.

Thanks for elaborated answers. My own observations are mostly complementary to your observations, but there are some details that I would like to share that are different. I won’t argue that tensing up doesn’t work at best or even makes results worse, however I noticed that for me focusing/MMI sessions somehow result in certain sensation of strain/fatigue which is especially noticeable after having positive results. Producing further successes in such state is barely possible (even psi-misses) This doesn’t happen after a regular meditation. I’m wondering here - am I subconsciously tensing up, or are there other mechanisms at work? During Calidetics training how do you assess that it’s time to stop? Do you just “work out” in fixed time intervals daily?

I should clarity a bit. The “tensing up” part of concentrating is something I usually did when I started developing MMI technologies with endless testing sessions. In those days the MMI systems were much less responsive and it seemed to require a lot of work to make anything happen. One may get results with that type of focus, but I learned it is unnecessary and tired me out more quickly. It also obscured the fact that something more subtle was really causing the effects.

It’s certainly possible there could be a psychological component to the energy required to get results with MMI. We are used to expending energy to accomplish just about anything in the physical world, so focusing or visualizing would seem no different. When I first tried predicting future events, that is, true random bits generated after a prediction was made, it seemed much harder and I got lower effect sizes. This was due to a psychological factor – the belief that predicting the future would or should be harder than affecting the outcome of a current measurement. Eventually and with lots of practice, the results pretty much became the same. The same was true with getting MMI results using a pseudorandom generator. At first the results were null, the effect size was effectively zero. Eventually I was able to get fairly good results with pseudorandom bits, though never quite as high as with an MMI generator. However, there is a real difference when using a PRNG. Results can only be gotten by selecting the timing of trial initiation. With an MMI generator, results can be gotten by altering the probability of a measurement of the entropy source, or by timing.

To be sure, the brain takes a large amount of real energy to do what it does. A session of deep concentration, such as doing hard mathematical problems – as an example – can take as much energy as moderate physical exercise. Mental fatigue can occur the same way muscles get tired, with a build up of metabolic byproducts.

Ultimately, our minds are complex and everyone’s habits and patterns of thinking are a little different. I expect a meditative or relaxed state could minimize unnecessary use of energy. As we learn more, we can develop training programs that will go much further toward enhancing an individual’s MMI or Calidetic skills.

I have found what makes learning a sport is similar: desire to excel and mindful, focused practice produce the best progress. Like any sport, everyone has a certain latent ability that can be improved with practice. Some people are “naturals” and not only start out at a higher level but learn faster and achieve greater skill.

As with any training regimen, each individual must decide how far to push their exercise. Daily practice is probably beneficial for someone who is highly motivated, but pushing too hard can also be counterproductive. Once a person becomes tired, the effects tend to diminish and eventually even go away.

Writing these answers has made me organize my thoughts and experiences, which is very helpful. While not yet a formalized training system, it’s the beginning of one.