Interchange Labs

Made a separate topic for this subject.


@RobertPlotke , can you tell us about the tech, Interchage labs are using for MMI detection? Is it possible to create a server with API, so we could test it remotely, like it was done for MEDs on MEDFarm server? What is the output format? It it a series of binary values, or a value of a signal intensity or something else?

Also questions from Scott from previous topic:
Do you do your tests with a continuous, free-running system, or is it done by a series of initiated trials? How long does it take to get a “switch” to occur? What is the ratio of incorrect versus correct results? If the system is free-running, how often do you get a spontaneous, incorrect switching event?

Analysis of US patent 11,181,981 B2, Nov. 23, 2021 Klouzal and Platke:

Example of a preferred embodiment in my understanding:

A number (at least 2, but up to tens or more) of 9.1V Zener diodes are biased by a 10V regulated supply through 39K resistors (about 25uA current). (Note: 9.1V Zeners operate in avalanche mode – lower voltage diodes, about 5V or less, operate in quantum tunneling mode.) The outputs of each resistor/Zener junction are mutually coupled by capacitors to a single node. The single combined Zener outputs are amplified and capacitively coupled to remove DC bias.

The signal is analyzed to detect an increasing or decreasing pattern relative to a baseline signal. The pattern is a period of relatively non-random waves that show increased power at certain frequencies. The baseline signal is provided by the sensor operating unobserved. The baseline signal is subtracted from the active signal.

The duration of the increasing or decreasing pattern is digitized by counting clock cycles from a fast clock.

A processor uses the digitized duration (number of counts) to determine increasing, or decreasing (1st derivative of the duration) signals. The duration or change in duration is used as a control signal.

This sensor circuit is the same as shown in Fig. 12 of my US patent 9,367,288 B2 filed in 2007.

Hello D0ublezer0,
The present Mind-interface technology is plasma based where the plasma is excited with a known amount of energy and then turned off. The discharge to referenced ground is clocked and that clock (tick) sum is outputted as a discrete value. Multiple values in a continuous and consecutive first in first out data flow is processed in real time and outputted as a coherence metric control signal. Within the next two weeks we will also have a system that can identify the phase entrainment time of two randomly generated subatomic signals and identify the frequencies from 500Hz to 10Khz that are within that phase entrainment time frame. This is also done in real time with identified Coherence/entrainment metrics that can run an application.

It has been determined that the mind both promotes greater entrainment and a longer time frame of that entrainment than an ambient state of the system. This greater difference can be used as a switch and right and left controls when two signals are processed differentially. I am using LabVIEW as the processing software and can demonstrate this system over zoom, and yes, this is outside of space/time.
Bob Plotke
Interchange Laboratories Inc.

Thanks for your answer.
Would be really great to have an access to the device output available online. For MEDs we made a dedicated server, that has an API enpoint, to that everyone can connect and read the output from the device to experiment with. It is essential when you try to develop some MMI applications and see how they work with different MMI sources. I’m developing a system, that can convert Intention pattern into geographic coordinates, so operator could find the location of the object he is thinking about.
Also we’re currently working on artificial intention source and if succeed, could evaluate your device responiveness. But it will also require an ability to automaticaly request feedback.

Hi Bob,
Is the plasma generated in a commercial device like a small neon bulb or is it larger or something you build from scratch? Or, do you mean “plasma” more metaphorically, referring to charge carriers in semiconductor devices, such as Zener diodes?

I am working to find a LabVIEW engineer that can provide you a streaming control signal. I can then send you a LabVIEW application that will provide Mental feedback of your performance. This of course is non-local. I very much like your idea converting intention patterns into geographic coordinates. Do you have a white paper on this topic? I would like to collaborate on evaluating our Mind-interface plasma device. I you would like we can Zoom to discuss further.
Bob Plotke

Hi Scott,
This is a real plasma source generated with 120 volts with pulse width control over the excitation energy.
Bob Plotke

plasma devices are insanely responsive:
1.Kirlianography is old and relatively documented methods to detect and visualize psychic effects.
2. Pyromancy, divination with fire, is traditional and old method to communicate with spirits and/or to obtain information.
3. All luminescent lamps, which aren’t well maintained are pretty sensitive to focused thoughts or attempts to perform magic.

However, plasma is unstable. I didn’t managed to make plasma bulb, which can robustly work as mind detector. However, it’s totally possible, that someone, who’s more proficient with electronics might have accomplished it.

I am working on a full description of a neon bulb random generator since it is one of the discrete quantum entropy sources I previously listed. Yes, neon bulb dynamics are a little tricky, but I think I can provide the necessary details. If I have the time I will build a working model to confirm the design.

neon bulb worse than you think. all these pesky bulbs are EM antennas. It’s signal shows entropy spikes, when you watch youtube on phone nearby.

Yes neon bulbs are quite sensitive to EMF and must be well shielded.

With regards to someone who has developed a stable research ready mind-interface plasma system I refer you to Interchange laboratories website

I’ve looked through your site, but I haven’t found much technical information, besides patent.
Patent describe your system quite broadly. I’m not patent lawyer, but it mostly looks like attempt to patent entire field of rng based MMI devices. Or I don’t understand something. However, that patent has some good references.