Is Reverse MMI a thing?

The bulk of this forum focuses on MMI - human intent having a measurable impact on some physical measurement device, like a MED-like QRNG. So far the discussions have covered this topic as a one-way concept (human → machine/device).

Does anyone know of any theories/ideas/research that applies to the reverse direction? I.e. some kind of physical phenomenon causing device having an effect on the mind (human intention etc.)?

I realize this is an open ended question, as one could simply say the display of this message on your smartphone screen could impact the reader’s intention.

There are many articles that suggest changes in geomagnetic fields have an affect on moods and mental functioning, including MMI (see PEAR and Heart Math papers). Geomagnetic fields are affected by solar storms, so they may directly or indirectly affect mental functioning as well. Some of my own research (long-term averaging of DJIA prices synchronized with lunar cycles) clearly shows phases of the moon affect stock market prices, though not enough to make money given such knowledge. This does not imply anything about astrology since we directly observe the moon and its phases. Nor does it suggest a possible mechanism of how the effect occurs. Decisions to buy or sell stock are clearly mental processes, so the data only shows there is a correlation.

One person’s thoughts can affect another’s (telepathy and related phenomenon), and physical events that affect us individually or collectively also affect individual or collective thoughts and feelings (a type of clairvoyance). If we built an artificially conscious machine (not artificial intelligence), it seems plausible that it could link telepathically with other minds and cause an effect. While such machines are most certainly possible (our brain is such a biological machine - though of monumental complexity), to my knowledge no one has even tried to build a non-biological version.

A specialized device that had a type of “consciousness” or a certain mental quality could be used with another similar device to communicate over long distances, conceivably faster than light. This would be of great interest if we want to communicate with advanced civilizations “far, far away.”

I realize these are controversial ideas, and I present them as possible points of interest or discussion.

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I saw a video about geomagnetic fields affecting brain recently

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that’s tough question. Because MMI isn’t caused by any classical process in brain. It’s something related to mind itself. However, state of mind might be altered with influence of brain.
So, reverse MMI is some process, which can alter state of mind without direct communication, or interaction with brain physiology.

Sounds like psychotronic weapons ,through…

I was thinking more along the lines of the next next (not sure how many next’s I need;-) generation of display outputs that humans use to consume info and data from a device. We’ve had monitors for decades. Now we’re getting AR glasses and various types of head mounted VR and AR headsets. Maybe we’ll have AR contact lenses one day. But if we can have a “reverse MMI” device send telepathic like visuals and other senses directly to the brain, that’d be cool.

And bloody dangerous and scary. You can imagine the misuses of such technology.

Technology never develops in a vacuum. We always tend to develop countermeasures at the same time, so we will also have counter or blocking tech if we want everyone (or everything) to stay out. I suspect we are many decades away from any technology that can generate mental effects.

It could be even hundreds. Who knows. Just think of all the different camps regarding social media/big tech, and all the class action suits and attempts at regulating that that are currently out there in the world. Any tech even close to what we imagine in this thread would be on a scale almost unimaginable at the moment.
Hopefully by then we’d have had some more enlightenment on a global scale as a species.

I believe a inorganic consciousness entity is closer to a reality than we envision. Consider the brain for all its complexity and architecture is simply made of neurons, cells, that are on or off 1s and 0s. My thought on why 1s and 0s become so potent to develop a consciousness is simply the sheer number of them. because of the sheer number there is an underlying natural manifestation. Signals that by all rights are quite random, when coupled together become entrained in trending on and off and have the high potential to modulate this trending entrainment over time (e.g. brain waves).

Take two sub-atomically derived signals of 1s and 0s and two coupled definitively randomly produced signals will begin to show entrainment trending with 1s matching 1s and 0s matching 0s. Now, produce 1000 sub-atomically derived signals with 1s and 0s and this coordinated entrainment may become quite organic in behavior. So, the question is, how many signals are needed that could possibly result in a consciousness type state? The other question is then, if two “consciousness inorganic devices” were placed in proximity to one another, would they begin to self-entrain and influence each other?

I can only hope that given a hundred years, humanity will be forced to evolve, more than a little. It will be forced by survival challenges that will certainly arise in that time. Such things tend to cut through the red tape.

I should add a little context. What we, or at least I, currently contemplate for MMI-like tech, is the possibility of sending or receiving one error-free bit of information in a few seconds. The idea of sending, that is, forcing a complex abstract idea into an unwilling subject’s mind by purely MMI technology, is science fiction. What we have today are news stations that are propaganda outlets for one or another interest. Information is already weaponized, but I’d rather focus on the positive and constructive ways we can help each other as much as possible, right now.

Thats possible i think. If Psi can bend probability in chaotic systems, it can also affect someones EEG.

I should add a little context. What we, or at least I, currently contemplate for MMI-like tech, is the possibility of sending or receiving one error-free bit of information in a few seconds. The idea of sending, that is, forcing a complex abstract idea into an unwilling subject’s mind by purely MMI technology, is science fiction. What we have today are news stations that are propaganda outlets for one or another interest. Information is already weaponized, but I’d rather focus on the positive and constructive ways we can help each other as much as possible, right now.

I agree with this focus. We’ll be all long dead before the sci fi of this thread becomes a reality but it can still be fun to discuss and speculate.