MMI Systems and Applications for Fun and Profit

Possible MMI Applications
© Scott A. Wilber 2020

A large number of MMI applications are possible using already developed MMI generators. Some ideas have been mentioned, but I will repeat all that I can think of at the moment. It is important to consider some applications may be possible or technically feasible, but are not likely to generate enough interest to make them practical or successful. Clear analysis and comments on any or all suggestions are greatly appreciated. Feel free to add your own ideas – this is more a starting point rather than a comprehensive list. The following are brief outlines, while more detailed descriptions will be added for those ideas that seem to be most interesting. Several of these suggestions, with proper development, could be used as commercial applications.

  • Online MMI generator output supply. An easy to use online source would allow MMI application development and available output for applications already in place. One or more servers would have a hardware MMI generator attached (either MED100Kx8 or a 1Mbps version). Users could logon to receive raw MMI bits and/or some standardized pre-processed data blocks. There could be limited free capacity with larger subscription-based service if intended for profit.
  • MMI Generator designs. Many applications would benefit from dedicated generators as part of the application.
    ** PCQNG for PCs/version for mobile devices. The PCQNG is a software-enabled TRNG based on jitter in PLL signals supplying the core clock of CPUs in PCs. The entropy rate is relatively low but easily available. I don’t know if mobile devices would allow the same access to the inner workings of their CPUs. If they do, it would be relatively easy to adapt the code for mobile use. An advantage of this type of generator is that it does not interfere with normal operation or require special conditions for device hardware.
    ** Camera TRNG. The CCD sensor used for virtually any camera can be used to gather entropy to make random bits. I developed algorithms to measure and optimize the amount of entropy available. This type of generator is likely specific to each camera/device, and may require special illumination levels for optimum functioning.
    ** Audio TRNG. I have not seen a specific application for using the microphone input to generate random bits, but it should be similar to a camera TRNG. Perhaps it would even be a little easier than using the camera.
    ** GPS time. A mobile device’s GPS receiver could conceivably be used as a source of randomness. The rate of generation would depend on user access to the signals and how they can be processed.
  • Online or personal ME Trainer . The ME or Mind-Enabled Trainer is a program for practicing and measuring basic MMI skills. It requires a source of MMI bits, which can be supplied by a PCQNG on a PC or other generator source on mobile devices. MMI bits could also be supplied by an online source as described above.
  • True Choice selector. Most choices we make are highly deterministic because we have patterns of behavior and belief systems that bias us strongly in certain directions. To break out of our usual patterns, one can use an application that makes selections based on MMI generator output. A specific intention can be held during the choice, but it should not be to get the choice we would normally make. Rather, it could be part of a larger goal that the immediate choice may be a part of.
  • ME Trader Club. MMI can be used to enhance the probability of achieving a specific goal, such as winning or maximizing gain in the stock market. The chances of maximum gain can be enhanced by combining the efforts of a number of motivated players in the market. A trading group (based on subscription if the application is for profit) will receive MMI bits online and communicate results of personal mental efforts through their devices to a central location/data server. Results will be combined using Bayesian analysis with weightings of each user’s past results. Subscribers will have access to combined results, perhaps in levels depending on subscription levels and past performance. Best performers will gain free access to results.
  • MMI Mechanical Turk – information gathering. MMI can be used to obtain any type of information. A system similar to that described for ME Trader would be used. A commercial system would charge fees to answer specific questions. Participants would be paid a small amount for their contribution/mental efforts, also weighted by their past accuracy.
  • ME Finder.
    ** Dowsing. An application in a mobile device would indicate the presence of specific target materials, such as water or valuable minerals.
    ** Treasure finder. A specific application for finding valuable artifacts or treasure would work as a specific type of dowsing. The application could even indicate direction and closeness to the target.
    ** Inside/outside searching. People often lose something they cannot easily find. A specific variation of the dowsing application could be set up to search internal (in the house for example) or external (in the neighborhood or larger) locations.
  • Fantasy Sports – picker. Fantasy sports is a very lucrative form of sports betting. A number of choices must be made, which can be assisted by MMI applications. This can be done individually or as a collective as in the ME Trader application.
  • MMI I Ching. I Ching is an ancient Chinese method of fortune telling. One version uses three coins that are thrown by the participant and a book of interpretations that describe the meaning of the results. An MMI application could be used to do the coin flipping and also select from multiple variations of the interpretations that would be available from a central application.
  • MMI Predictor. A large number of predictor applications using MMI are possible. MMI will not give the exact winning number for the big lottery, but it can increase the probability of winning something. In spite of what is usually believed, I devised an algorithm that can also increase the possibility of winning something if a number of sets of numbers are purchased. I will not explain the theory of why and how it works unless an application is being seriously developed.
  • MMI Tarot. Tarot is a deck of cards used to get information since the middle ages. There are a number of different decks with variations, and a large number of ways to interpret the meanings of various layouts or ways of dealing out the cards. There are some simplified ways of using Tarot, including a single card draw or Major Arcana only. MMI can be used to shuffle a Tarot deck prior to dealing as the user holds the desired question to be answered in mind. MMI would also be used to help with the interpretation, as usually only a skilled reader can give useful results.
  • MMI Sound.
    ** EVP. Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP is the recording of sounds or words that do not come through a microphone. These are supposedly produced by spirits or ghosts . The binary output or bitstream from an MMI generator can be filtered to produce sound. Filtering can be lowpass or bandpass and can be done digitally or by analog means. A local MMI generator running on a mobile device would seem to be desirable for such an application.
    ** Multi-tone decoder. A set of bandpass filters running in parallel can be used to decode a pattern of mentally-influenced MMI generator output. The decoded output can be used as part of a communications system or a tuned control device to respond to a specific code.
    ** White Noise with Structure/Waves. A stream of MMI bits can be filtered and specific overall patterns can be superimposed to create pleasing, relaxing or even inspiring sounds under mental influence.
  • MMI Image.
    ** Art. As with the generation of sound, one or more streams of MMI bits can be filtered and used to generate or compile images. These can be constantly changing or frozen if a particularly interesting image is produced.
    ** Morphing Images. PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) used MMI to cause one image to morph from one to another as a test of mental influence. Using many images with the same general design could be more interesting.
    ** Fireplace. MMI bit streams can be filtered to create pleasing, relaxing or even inspiring images under mental influence.
  • MMI word/sentence constructor. MMI data bytes can be used to select patterns of letters or words, or even to create sentences using Markov chains. An algorithm picks letters/words with the expected probabilities that occur in a particular language, such as English. While this is a rather complex application, results are produced in the form of natural language under the influence of mind. The possibility of advanced communication or information gathering may be great.
  • MMI Games.
    ** Multi-player online competition. A number of games can be designed to operate under the mental influence of the players.
    ** As part of current game at random decision points. Many games use random number generators to determine factors such as damage or hit points or other game flow at certain times. Instead of using an RNG, an MMI generator with a simple algorithm allows players to influence the outcome of these moments in the game – actually using the Force .
    ** Single-player against RNG. The same as number “a” except a single-player game.

Some very interesting ideas here and I’d like to discuss these in the near future. For now just letting you all know I didn’t miss this thread and with the little time I’ve had it’s just being going into the MeterFeeder dev work instead.

With the new approach I’m taking to Parking Warden (using Unity) and the increased chance we’ll be able to get the MED devices working on Android, I recalled this EVP topic of discussion from a few months back. I was wondering if you could share any personal stories (or ones you’ve heard) of sounds/voices experienced?

Hi Simon,
I have not experienced EVP personally, but I have experienced clairaudience, or hearing something that is not presented by sound waves to the ear. This is one of the many anomalous mental phenomena whose underlying principles are what make MMI possible.

I was sitting on a park bench thinking about my girlfriend (this was many years ago), who lived several miles from where I was physically located. I just spontaneously and with very positive emotion said her name out loud. At the same time she heard me at what she though was her front door, but when she went to check I was not there.

Strong emotional content seems to be an important component in these occurrences, as may also be the case in reported EVP, though I am no expert in that field.

MEDs may be used for EVP experiments, or possibly even device-enhanced telepathy or communications testing. I have done some rudimentary tests using the output of a MMI generator, but it was a customized device that had a direct physical connection that provided the binary random signal as it was generated. The output was then filtered using analog filtering techniques and listened to through an amplifier and speaker.

An MED100Kxx could be used for such experiments, but there are technical issues that would have to be worked through. The output of a standard MED is formatted as 8-bit words, buffered and sent via USB to the computer (or other device). The bits are generated in uneven intervals due to the nature of the bias amplification algorithm in the hardware. The timing is obscured further by the USB communications and because most operating systems are not designed to be “real time.”

Digital filtering algorithms typically expect the input numbers to be evenly spaced in time. In order to apply digital filtering to the received binary bit stream, they must be reformatted to recover an approximation of their original generation timing. This may be done by taking a block of MED data, on the order of 100ms, and spreading the bits out evenly over the sample block. Or, by taking a fixed number of bits that arrives in 100ms and assuming the generation interval for each bit is equal – probably a simpler approach. Neither of these is not an exact recovery and no exact method is probably possible. However, a close approximation is likely adequate for many applications. The challenge is to choose parameters that yield the best approximation. This may take a full modeling and simulation (in Mathematica if I were to do it) to compare with the exact solution.