Need Advice on How to Spread Interest in MMI

Speaking of how to make MMI to become more popular, I’ve seen here good idea in different topic.
MMI python/C++ library. Which could be named in sake of lulz astral.lib.
Because it would be far easier to get familiar with MMI if most of shitcode had done someone else.

I tried to find the forum by Google searching, but couldn’t. Do we know why that is and how to fix it? Is there a place to list keywords that can be crawled? I don’t know how long it currently takes site changes to propagate through the Internet, but perhaps this is not counted as a new site or changes to an old site.

My initial intention for creating the randonauts was to spread public awareness of MMI. By simply being friendly and sharing relevant documents, I created a community.

As you know Randonautica took off mainly because of its social media presence. This forum is good and necessary for the exchange of info from truly curious parties, but if you are looking to expand I would highly suggest creating a brand and using social media to spread awareness of that project.

This may sound panic inducing if you have never used social media, but there are tools that help manage the process. Hootsuite is one of them, it allows you to post across all of your socials with one message, and allows you to schedule posts in advance so you can be consistent with your posts which is a very important metric.

Scott, if you created a twitter account, and published some simplified papers, and maybe offered some kind of open source project to work on, you would be guaranteed to find some interested parties.

As long as you stayed active and published novel information (both in tweets and in links to papers on your site) you would eventually amass a small but curious following.

I would be happy to keep my word to you, which was to always show respect for the amount of work you have done in this field and help you leave a public legacy.

Randonautica could vouch for you on social media to help get you started using the Randonautica twitter account which has about 12,000 followers. This would be both to drive traffic to your new account, get word out that you are on the platform, and offer some means of verification so people know your account is legitimate even though it is new.

Many of those followers are obviously not interested in MMI, but when I put out a call for developers to work on MMI projects through the initiative I received a lot of interest, and word got around to many developers, many of them who weren’t even on twitter but were notified by friends, some of those people that got referred to me had already written MMI software themselves.

My offer to help start you off on twitter using Randonautica’s twitter is simply an offer of good will to show that randonautica is interested in expanding both the public’s and the technologists interest in MMI. It would be necessary that you would post valuable information on your Twitter feed, so that you could cultivate your own following separate from randonautica.

I would not want you to be dependent on Randonautica’s twitter bringing traffic to you, just a simple start. If you really posted links to valuable information like the papers on your site, and perhaps wrote something specifically geared towards attracting and interesting developers on the subject specifically helping them understand how to get started playing in this field, my experience tells me that word would get around quickly among developers on twitter, and you would soon find yourself with a platform for outreach to entice interested parties that would act as a funnel for recruiting interested people, who once properly vetted (by maybe committing code to an open source project of your choosing) could join this forum for serious discussion.

We at randonautica get offers from people who want to help improve the app and learn more about it’s inner workings, but due to the commercial route we have taken we are unable to integrate these interested developers, so there is definitely a pool of developers who would be curious about hacking on MMI at the hobby level, especially if you personally are the one spreading the information.

There is also the subreddit, which I was able to reclaim from the admins of reddit since it had gone inactive. This subreddit could also act as a funnel and I would have no problem making you a moderator there.

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Hi Joshua, Thanks for your thoughtful and detailed suggestions and your specific offer to help.

I have a lot to offer on the technical end, including providing both general and specific papers explaining theory and practical implementation, and being able to answer most questions. In addition, I have the most advanced MMI generators on the planet, and am willing to share those – within reason – for active development as well.

We are working to make this forum available to anyone who is interested. However, I see it is still invisible on the Internet and I am unclear why. Even if I search for the exact forum name, it doesn’t come up.

I have to be careful I don’t get overwhelmed by trying to do too much, plus, I don’t have all the skills needed for general development. Most importantly, other people must be involved to make it a real public effort. I think it’s important that some people can get involved in commercial ventures, which is one way to reward them for their efforts and ideas. While I control about a dozen related patents, I would be very flexible about licensing to anyone with a reasonable proposal.

I think the forum had never been linked to before on any other public websites, hence it hadn’t been picked up in any of Google’s crawls to date. I added it to its index for crawling so it should show up soon. They say from days to weeks but going on previous experience rarely does it take weeks.

Currently the only words/sentences I see being picked up by Google will be the following (as the rest requires you be verified and logged in):

“FP2 MMI Forum - Building The Future with MMI”
“Discussions on Mind-Matter Interaction Technology”
“This is a forum for discussing Mind-Matter Interaction (MMI) technology and related topics.”

Okay, great. If possible, we may want to add some other descriptive material, including key words, where it can be crawled. Anyway, the forum should no longer be invisible. Thanks.

If there’s any keywords in particular you’d like to add please list them here. Or any introductory sentences as well.

Here are my suggested description and keyword list:

Title or Tagline: “FP2 MMI Forum - Building the Future with MMI”

Forum Description: “This is a public forum for discussing Mind-Matter Interaction (MMI) ideas, theory, technology and related topics. Conversations range from personal experiences and general interest to everything needed to develop real world applications based on MMI.”

KEYWORDS: Mind-Matter Interaction, Mind-Machine Interaction, MMI, Direct Mind-Matter Interaction, DMMI, Psycho-responsive, Mind-Enabled, Random Event Generator, REG, MMI Generator, Entropy, True Random Number Generator, TRNG, Quantum Random Number Generator, QRNG, Mind Over Matter, Shifting Probability, Luck, Calidetics, Intention, Responsivity, Effect Size, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Pseudo-Telepathy, Nonlocality, Temporal Nonlocality, Entanglement, Superposition, Quantum Mind, Magic, Parapsychology, Metaphysics, Anomalous Effects, Anomalous Cognition.

Being publicly visible is a double edged sword. You want curiosity seekers who are willing to actively contribute to development in commercial ventures, but that can easily turn into an uncontrollable spectacle where people who generally just “hang out” on the internet all day come and voyeuristically participate, and that can become counter-productive very easily.

Being indexed on google so that sincere seekers curious about MMI can find this forum is good, but take heed of my warning that too much publicity can destroy the signal to noise ratio of this place you have so generously helped build to spread the information you have gathered through your lifetime. All it takes is one viral tik tok video or youtube video and this place could be full of armchair magicians and schizophrenics being counter productive.

Building a “brand” on social media can act like a smokescreen for the types of people who just want to chat on the internet all day or voyeuristically watch as people build products, it gives them an outlet to comment and follow developments, but keeps them away from the productive space you hope to foster for sincere curiosity seekers and developers, who generally seek out the information for themselves, rather than having it algorithmically delivered to them based on their interests of, for instance, magic.

It would be a shame to see this place get 10,000 members overnight who are passively interested in new-age trendy stuff as part of their identity, but are unable to contribute in any meaningful way. I’m sure Simon can come up with a clever solution if this ever happens, but I am dead serious when I say that you could have 10,000 individuals join overnight if you go viral, individuals who only have an understanding based on impressions they have gotten from “influencers” who generally seek fame and attention rather than constructively building technology. And 10,000 is a low number.

I agree your time is crucial and should not be spent building a twitter brand, but that is something I can help you with easily, as you generally want the brand to grow organically, and slowly. I’m certainly not suggesting you spend your time on twitter (I’m just using twitter as a stand-in, it can be any social media platform,) but I am strongly suggesting you have a public facing social media brand, which can be built slowly, leaving a breadcrumb trail for people with the tenacity to search until they find the source of the knowledge they are looking for.

Basically you want a public presence so that you can show your developments to the public and influence culture, but you should protect this place by making it not exactly hidden, but accessible by those who are willing to search for it.

The “main event” can be introducing the public to the developments created here, but I would suggest having this forum be sort of tucked away so that only people who are genuinely researching can find it.

As for the keywords I would suggest you remove magic, and instead put technomagic. It would be a shame for this forum become about people talking about the occult or secret societies, which is the opposite of the goals I have seen stated here.

I am asking you to take heed of this warning because I experienced it myself. I figured the randonauts community would be self regulating, but eventually we got swamped by people and the signal to noise ratio dropped and we have had to do a lot of work to improve our brand image.

Another thing I would be concerned about is people joining with the intention of spreading discord, getting in the middle of relationships, spreading disinformation and lies, and other things that I know members here have borne witness to. This space of research is targeted for divide and conquer campaigns, and you will have people who try to suppress its development.

I feel confident that if you just start slowly, and let it grow organically, the community will be stronger than if you actively tried to recruit developers.

The Google index still refuses to pick it up unless I type in the full URL… this is frustrating.

Conspiracy theory minute: what if google don’t wanna make that technology widely known, because they already developed if better than we can think?

Hundreds or thousands of people working quietly and secretly in highly planned and coordinated efforts without being noticed. I just don’t think we humans are that organized.

I’m usually a conspiracy disbeliever. I think if we were evolved enough to pull off a really good conspiracy, we might also know better than to do it.

Well, it’s very naive to think, that there aren’t conspiracies. It would mean, that there all political decidions are done in plain sight of masses. It’s certainly not how it is.

I don’t believe in united world conspiracy. Because it’s not possible. But I belive in hundreds/thousands of independent state/TNC/world scale conspiracies.

Also, well. What will happen if someone will post on reddit, that he worked on google project about MMI? Everyone will forget about it.
Look how much people are concerned, that BLM funneled hundreds millions dollars into Biden company through thousand currents.
Most of conspiracies works on plain sight. And can be tracked through OSINT and public/declassified documents. But what can we do about it, when there aren’t free media anymore?

Speaking about more practical question, what can we do about it. If google has developed something in that field, they might keep it secret. But as we know, MMI needs loads of supporting technologies: entropy analysis, fast REGs and tech to manage them.
Interesting if we could find out, WHEN google started to blacklist that topic and compare it to their scientific publications in that period. There might be something, what could help us in our research.
I’ll try to find out if that topic is blacklisted, on which search engines and when.

Not that I don’t think there are any conspiracies, but by definition, they are not in plain sight. The bad actors who work in plain sight are the responsibility of all their supporters who put or leave them in power.

All we can do is focus on pushing back or moving in a more constructive direction. I always made sure my MMI research was available for all to see. That was a choice from the beginning for the very reason that no one could gain a monopoly on the technology. The research I have not published yet is not available to any secret group, nor will it be.

I have closely followed everyone (with a public footprint) working in the field for decades, and I think I would have seen a trace if anyone were really getting somewhere. Raymond Kurzweil is a top technologist working for Google. He had expressed some interest to me many years ago, but not a hint since he started with Google. I think he has been totally absorbed in AI. Sony started some work in the area, but stopped when its president died and his successors were not interested in his pet projects. There was SRI international (Dean Radin) and of course the Stargate project of the CIA, DIA and others, but totally de-funded/dead now. They worked with traditional remove viewing, not MMI.

1.I’ll show forum to my friend, who is familiar with SMM. Possibly, he’ll be able to tell if something is wrong with blacklists. However, I’ve read code of page and , looks like there is something wrong with metadata. So, I might be too hasty with hypothesis.
2. Thank you for interesting information. Can you tell more about Sony?

My friend told me, that it’s closed forum, which isn’t indexed by search engines. And it’s problem from forum’s side. However, he told, that in our time forums are rarely indexed and adviced to open forum.
However, I have no idea how to do it.

Here are a couple of links to old news articles on Sony’s research:

They didn’t say the real reason the research was shut down, being the death of the founder and main supporter. Instead they said, “the ESP phenomena was proved to exist but that they didn’t find a way to use it commercially, so the research was closed.”

I have very simple idea how to use MMI for profit.It just kinda illegal. They can’t miss that possibility.

What method of research did Sony lab use?