Need Advice on How to Spread Interest in MMI

Here is an extensive bibliography of Sony’s ESPER lab publications if you want to investigate further, but much of it is in Japanese. It’s possible some of the work may have been translated by now.

ESPER Laboratory*

The head of the laboratory is Yoichiro Sako. The Laboratory’s name means “Extra Sensory Perception & Excitation Research”. This Laboratory, part of SONY Corporation, was established in Tokyo in 1991 to study life phenomena, mental phenomena and anomalous phenomena. The final purpose of the laboratory as noted in the founding prospectus is to explore the mind/consciousness and spirit. 295) Before the ESPER Laboratory, there was a temporary laboratory called the “Human Science Research Institute” which existed for 6 months in 1990. There is a short report written in Spanish 296) about ESPER Laboratory.

Early work was on psi-conducive training with Japanese children. Researchers found that it was easy to develop psychic abilities by psi-conducive training. Some of these experiments were done on TV programs broadcasted by TBS. Psychic abilities of children were developed remarkably: for example, children could read letters without using their eyes; 281) and an anomalous connection of two paper clips was recorded by a video camera. 297)

Major results were published in Journal of Mind-Body Science 239-245) and Journal of International Society of Life Information Science 279-282) and a book. Workers presented their results at ISLIS, SMBS and the symposium on the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test.

(* Closed on March 31, 1998)

239 Ono T, Sako Y, Ozeki M and Naoi T: The Possibility of the Existence of Extraordinary Bio-Perception of Color, Journal of Mind-Body Science, 5(1), 67-74, 1996 [in Japanese with an English abstract]

240 Sakakibara T and Sako Y: The Influence of the Shield Condition on the Extraordinary Bio-Perception of Color, Journal of Mind-Body Science, 6(1), 27-33, 1997 [in Japanese with an English abstract]

241 Sako Y, Sato T, Sasaki S, Kobayashi T and Sakai Y: Physiological Changes of Qi-Sender and Qi-Receivers During Qigong Operation, Journal of Mind-Body Science, 3(1), 33-50,1994 [in Japanese with an English abstract]

242 Sako Y, Ozeki M, Naoi T and Ono T: The Possibility of Extraordinary Bio-Perception, Journal of Mind-Body Science, 4(1), 1-9, 1995 [in Japanese with an English abstract]

243 Sako Y and Homma S: The Possibility of the Existence of Clairvoyance, Journal of Mind-Body Science, 5(1), 57-65, 1996 [in Japanese with an English abstract]

244 Sako Y and Homma S: Investigation of Clairvoyance, Journal of Mind-Body Science, 6(1), 75-82, 1997 [in Japanese with an English abstract]

245 Sasaki S, Sako Y and Kobayashi T: Characteristics of Qi Observed in the Changes of Qi-water Conductivity, Journal of Mind-Body Science, 2(1), 1-7, 1993 [in Japanese with an English abstract]

279 Sako Y and Ono T: The Existence of Extraordinary Bio-perception of Color, J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci., 14(2), 196-197, 1996

280 Sako Y and Ono T: Non-visual Color Recognition, J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci., 15(1), 36-49, 1997

281 Sako Y and Homma S: Clairvoyance and Synesthesia, J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci., 15(1), 169-172, 1997

282 Sako Y and Sakakibara T: The Influence of the Visible Light Condition of Target Samples and the Subject’s Awareness of This Condition in Non-visual Color Recognition, J. Intl. Soc. Life Info. Sci., 15(2), 446-449, 1997

295 Sako Y: Founding Prospectus, pp.36-37, in Sako Y, “SONY ‘Michi Jouhou’ heno
Chosen (Sony’s Challenge for Unknown Information)”, Tokyo, Tokuma-Shoten, 1996 [in Japanese]

296 Sako Y: La Filosofia Fundamental del Laboratorio ESPER de la Corporacion SONY, Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal, 8(3), 225-227, 1997 [in Spanish]

297 pp.135-138 in 91) [in Japanese]

My thoughts exactly on many a matter. Case in point; some of the wild accusations thrown at the at the Randonautica team like human smuggling and stuff would need such sophisticated organization on a global scale that even most governments couldn’t do.

I think the fact the forum isn’t being indexed is a simple technical matter like your friend mentioned. Mindfind and Souls appear. I’ve now linked to the forum from both those sites. I’ve been playing with the Google Serach Console and robots.txt and it passes all the checks but I just need a bit more time to dive deeper.

I was aware of the Sony ESP lab and the current Institute for Informatics of Consciousness, Meiji University. I speak Japanese so will try and spend some more time reading over what literature was mentioned above and anything available elsewhere. I have a gut feeling I’m going to end up back in Japan one day doing more MMI work. Maybe part of that will be proposing to Sony - hey, here’s a bunch of commerical applications for it :joy:

And my 3 biracial Japanese/Kiwi boys think it’s totally normal daddy is working on mind reading/future predicting technology so maybe we can repeat some of those experiments :smile:

@ScottWilber i’m writing an article about MMI for Randonautica in-app news feed, mentioning MED devices. Can you check, is following definition correct?

"Also worth mentioning is a line of experimental REG devices designed by Scott Wilber. These devices are called the Mind Enabled Device (MED) and are often used in Fatum Project’s internal research. The peculiarity of such devices is that they are specially designed to work with MMI and are a chip with many ring oscillators that produce thermal noise. Further, the noise from different generators is combined by the XOR logical operation, which allows eliminating statistical defects without deterministic post-processing, which is important, since such post-processing is often used in hardware RNGs and reduces the MMI effect. In addition, the MED has a built-in bias amplification algorithm to amplify the signal, which we will discuss next. "

I would suggest changing the word “peculiarity” to the word “uniqueness”. If you want to be more precise, the phrase “produce thermal noise” could be replaced with “produce jitter from thermal and quantum shot noise”.

I’ve created new landing site (top page) for this forum,

and have requested Google to index this. Hopefully this will be picked up by Google and help get us more exposure in search results which wasn’t working well with the forum’s top login page because of it’s 302 moved status.
If anyone has any comments or suggestions for fixes/changes/additions to the content on the page please let me know.

Google’s started to index but still to appear in any relevant searches. “MMI” seems to compete with the more common topic of medical Multiple Mini Interviews.

Thanks for the update. “MMI” is an abbreviation for dozens of major companies and concepts. “fp2” is also an incredibly commonly used abbreviation. I’m afraid there is no way to get in the top 100s of pages in any search using mmi or fp2.

If we want to become visible to organic searches I expect we will have to find a more unique name for the forum.

I’ve heard about experinent, when someone tested MMI effect with chickens.
Can anyone give me a link?

@Simurgh I think he was a guy in France and wrote a book. I can’t recall the name of him nor the book sorry but I think I once saw it on Amazon

@ScottWilber Naming is one thing but that’s more relevant if we’re after brand awareness for “FP2 MMI”. What I think is more important for now, which doesn’t yet seem to be happening in Google, is being picked up when people are searching terms relative to our fields of interest and the topics covered on this forum. I was hoping that new top page had enough content and wording to be picked up in at least a few random searches I tried but no luck yet

I’d like to find that book.
Maybe you can recall some keywords?

I can’t find the book but these are some references I believe: